Social Care CLE Guide

In this section we want you to understand more about:

  • different social care service settings
  • people who draw on care and support
  • different roles 
  • myths about social care  


What is adult social care:

  • The purpose of social care is to maximise each person’s opportunity to be independent and live the life they want. 
  • Person centred care; working with individuals who use services to find the best solutions for them based on their strengths and lifestyle choices.  
  • Social care providers build strong and supportive relationships with people who draw on care and support.  
  • Social care professionals work holistically, frequently working with other services such as housing, primary and community health care and NHS hospitals to support people to have a good life in a home of their choice. 

“We all want to live in the place we call home, with the people and things that we love, in communities where we look out for one another, doing the things that matter to us. Sometimes, we, or people we care about may need some extra support to achieve this, because of a health condition or disability. That’s the role of social care.” (‘What’s next for Social Care’(