Social Care CLE Guide

Myths, and Truths: real life Greater Manchester experiences

A social care placement will not offer me the right opportunities to fulfil my proficiencies

Critical thinking and decision making skills are enhanced when working in social care which assist in becoming an autonomous practitioner

Social care equals older people and I want to work with young adults

Working in social care can help develop an understanding of 'what matters to the individual' and not just 'what’s the matter with the individual', promoting person centred ways of working

A social care setting isn't as dynamic and challenging as a hospital ward

Holistic person centred care can be delivered in Social Care

Only people entering the end of their careers would work in social care - A time to slow down

Social care nurses work with people with very complex nursing needs including end of life care

There is a limited range of career opportunities in social care

Social care nurses work collaboratively with a wide range of health and other professionals

Social care is a "second class" experience and not equal to other NHS led experiences to learn or work

Social care nurses have opportunities to combine nursing practice with management and leadership roles